The AVODA Story

You have undoubtedly heard of our Avoda Club – but you may not realize our purpose – EDUCATION.  Avoda was started in 1928 by five Jewish men. They realized that because of the current college quota system and a depression atmosphere, many qualified young Jewish men could not fulfill their dream of higher learning.

They created a club which today exceeds 85 members (our family) and they meet twice each month for lunch or dinner and hear an invited speaker. It fosters camaraderie and friendship.

There are no fund raising events and Avoda does not solicit donations. The tax-exempt endowment of the Club grows by prudent investments, annual dues and voluntary contributions. We take great pride in presenting annual awards ($100,000 in recent years) to meritorious Jewish high school students from Atlantic and (more recently) Cape May Counties (boys and girls) who over the past 88 years have made great contributions to our community and excelled academically.

Past awardees are leading scientists, attorneys, physicians and in practically every discipline including philanthropy. And, many could not have pursued their post high-school studies without the help of Avoda. That’s our “Tikkun Olom”, our way of improving the world.