Author Sara Goodman Confino

Date: Sunday, November 10

Time: 10:30 am

Sarah Good­man Confino’s lat­est nov­el, Don’t For­get to Write, strad­dles worlds as well as cen­turies. It begins with a ban­ish­ing, the result of a young woman’s brief seduc­tion of a rabbi’s son. Fol­low­ing her very pub­lic embar­rass­ment, Mar­i­lyn is giv­en the choice of mar­ry­ing the rabbi’s son or being sent to live with her great-aunt, Ada.

Mar­i­lyn is appalled by both options. There is no way she will agree to a shot­gun mar­riage, and the only things she has heard about Ada make her out to be an unfor­giv­ing old woman. It’s 1960, and Mar­i­lyn wants to go back to col­lege and be free of her stern father and her cowed moth­er, who lives under his thumb in ways Mar­i­lyn vows nev­er to emu­late, if and when she marries.

With no mar­riage in the off­ing, Mar­i­lyn is sent to Philadel­phia, where Ada lives. Marilyn’s first impres­sion of her great-aunt, beyond her wild dri­ving home from the train sta­tion, is that she is all about rules: what Mar­i­lyn can and can’t do, and how she will be pun­ished for doing or not doing. Even Marilyn’s lip­stick is con­fis­cat­ed; Ada says that it makes her look like a ​“tart.” Mar­i­lyn envi­sions a long, cru­el, prison-like summer.