FREE 12 Week Fitness Program for Active Adults Ages 60+

Live Long Live Strong is a comprehensive wellness program for active adults and seniors. The program is offered in 12 week sessions throughout the year.

Members who join Live Long Live Strong are asked to attend two sessions per week for 12 consecutive weeks. Sessions will take place at various times each week making it easy to join and participate in the program.

This program is FREE and open to Atlantic County resident’s ages 60 and above.

All Live Long Live Strong participants have unlimited access to the JCC’s Fitness Center during the 12 weeks of the program.

To register for an upcoming session, click the register online or download, print and complete the enrollment form using the link below. You will be contacted about the start date of the next session after completing the enrollment information.

New Classes Starting April 2025

For additional information, please contact Ann Erik, Program Coordinator 609-822-1167 Ext. 132

The Active Adult programs are partially funded under Title III of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, through a grant by the Division of Intergenerational Services.