November 1- 30

Featuring CNN Pentagon Correspondent Oren Liebermann, Joel Chasnoff, Comedian, Author and National Jewish Book Award Winner, David & Susan Schwartz, Authors of The Joy of Costco and a Concert with Jeff Hartman.

Gold Patron

  • Includes admission and reserved seating in front section for all Festival events (excludes Paint & Sip)
  • Post-event Meet and Greet with Comedian Joel Chasnoff
  • Autographed copy of CNN Pentagon Correspondent, Oren Liebermann’s book, The Insulin Express
  • Includes admission at a reserved table at Tova Rappoport’s Challah Bake
  • Name listed on Festival Sponsor Recognition Sheet, distributed at all Festival events

Series Patron

  • Includes admission and reserved seating in special section for all Festival events (excludes Paint & Sip)
  • Autographed copy of CNN Pentagon Correspondent, Oren Liebermann’s book, The Insulin Express

  • Streams of Shattered Consciousness

    Author Rabbi David-Seth Kirshner

    Date: Monday, November 4

    Time: 10:30 am

    Rabbi David-Seth Kirshner presents his book Streams of Shattered Consciousness.

    On Octo­ber 7, 2023, David-Seth Kir­sh­n­er woke up excit­ed to cel­e­brate his 50th birth­day. Instead of eat­ing cake, Rab­bi Kir­sh­n­er was glued to the news as the hor­ri­ble attack by Hamas upon inno­cent Israelis began to unfold. Emo­tions flood­ed him from all direc­tions. Anger, rage, sur­prise, fear, hope, frus­tra­tion, anx­i­ety, con­fi­dence and grief were just some of what inhab­it­ed his mind and body. Streams of Shat­tered Con­scious­ness is a dai­ly chron­i­cle of Rab­bi Kirshner’s chan­neled emo­tions and opin­ions with a healthy dose of his­to­ry lessons. Kirshner’s detailed accounts accom­pa­nied by his per­son­al reflec­tions will keep a record of what will sure­ly be a water­shed moment in the his­to­ry of the Jew­ish people.

  • A Place to Hide

    Author Ronald H. Balson

    Date: Wednesday, November 6

    Time: 6:30 pm

    Ron Balson discusses his book A Place to Hide

    In 1938, as Hitler’s inex­orable rise con­tin­ues, Theodore ​“Ted­dy” Har­ti­gan is re-assigned from a com­fort­able job in DC to the US Con­sulate in Ams­ter­dam to replace flee­ing staff.  Teddy’s job is to process visa appli­ca­tions, and by 1939, refugees from Nazi-con­quered Poland, Aus­tria, and oth­er coun­tries are des­per­ate to secure safe pas­sage to Amer­i­ca. As Hitler sweeps through France, Bel­gium, Lux­em­bourg, Den­mark, and Hol­land, the screws tight­en and law after vir­u­lent law is passed to threat­en the lives, indeed the very exis­tence of the Jew­ish peo­ple.  Ted­dy comes to real­ize that he holds the key to sav­ing lives, whether five, fifty, or five hun­dred — and makes the dan­ger­ous and self­less deci­sion to join with under­ground groups and use his posi­tion at the Con­sulate to res­cue those with no oth­er avenue of escape.  Ron Balson’s A Place to Hide explores the deeply-mov­ing actions of an ordi­nary man who resolves, under per­ilous cir­cum­stances, to make a difference.

  • The Automat

    Date: Saturday, November 9

    Time: 7:00 pm

    Join us for a screening of The Automat. This documentary centers on the vending machine popularized in the 20th century that offered fresh cooked meals in a commissary-style eatery.

    Tickets include post-event Meet and Greet with Director, Lisa Hurwitz, upscale desserts, and coffee bar.

  • Don’t Forget to Write

    Author Sara Goodman Confino

    Date: Sunday, November 10

    Time: 10:30 am

    Sarah Good­man Confino’s lat­est nov­el, Don’t For­get to Write, strad­dles worlds as well as cen­turies. It begins with a ban­ish­ing, the result of a young woman’s brief seduc­tion of a rabbi’s son. Fol­low­ing her very pub­lic embar­rass­ment, Mar­i­lyn is giv­en the choice of mar­ry­ing the rabbi’s son or being sent to live with her great-aunt, Ada.

    Mar­i­lyn is appalled by both options. There is no way she will agree to a shot­gun mar­riage, and the only things she has heard about Ada make her out to be an unfor­giv­ing old woman. It’s 1960, and Mar­i­lyn wants to go back to col­lege and be free of her stern father and her cowed moth­er, who lives under his thumb in ways Mar­i­lyn vows nev­er to emu­late, if and when she marries.

    With no mar­riage in the off­ing, Mar­i­lyn is sent to Philadel­phia, where Ada lives. Marilyn’s first impres­sion of her great-aunt, beyond her wild dri­ving home from the train sta­tion, is that she is all about rules: what Mar­i­lyn can and can’t do, and how she will be pun­ished for doing or not doing. Even Marilyn’s lip­stick is con­fis­cat­ed; Ada says that it makes her look like a ​“tart.” Mar­i­lyn envi­sions a long, cru­el, prison-like summer.

  • Oren Liebermann

    Date: Sunday, November 10

    Time: 12:30 pm

    In addition to speaking about his personal journey from Virginia and Israel to various reporting assignments, including CBS3 in Philadelphia, Oren will be sharing his plight with Type I Diabetes through his book The Insulin Express: One Backpack, Five Continents, and the Diabetes Diagnosis That Changed Everything.

    Tickets include a light Israeli lunch at 12:30 pm followed by speaker at 1:30 pm.

  • The Joy of Costco

    Authors David and Susan Schwartz

    Date: Wednesday, November 13

    Time: 6:30 pm

    David and Susan Schwartz discuss The Joy of Cost­co: A Trea­sure Hunt From A to Z

    Join David and Susan Schwartz, a mar­ried Jew­ish cou­ple, on a whirl­wind tour of Cost­co ware­hous­es around the globe. They are two of Costco’s biggest fans yet live in one of NYC’s small­est apart­ments.

    Since 2016, they have been to over 250 of Costco’s 850+ ware­hous­es, plus got­ten behind-the-scenes looks at one of the world’s favorite retail­ers.  Top­ics are cov­ered in a whim­si­cal A to Z for­mat, using Q & A to delight the more than 128 mil­lion Cost­co mem­bers and over 300,000 ded­i­cat­ed Cost­co employ­ees.

    Tickets include special Costco snacks.

  • A Taste of Israel with Joel Chasnoff

    Date: Friday, November 15

    Time: 10:30 am

    Get a taste of Israel in this hands-on salad making workshop.  Join comedian Joel Chasnoff for an exciting and flavorful Israeli Cooking Demo!

    Joel brings his signature humor and expertise to the kitchen as he showcases traditional Israeli dishes with a modern twist. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a beginner in the kitchen, you’ll enjoy learning how to prepare authentic Middle Eastern recipes that reflect the rich cultural and culinary history of Israel. Expect vibrant flavors, fascinating stories behind the dishes, and plenty of laughs along the way. Participants will leave with practical cooking tips and a deeper appreciation for Israeli cuisine including fattoush, Moroccan spiced carrots, mint cherry tomato salad, and classic katzutz.

  • Comedy Night with Joel Chasnoff

    Date: Saturday, November 16

    Time: 7:00 pm

    Join us for an evening of laughter and celebration with Israeli-American comedian Joel Chasnoff.

    Author and winner of the National Jewish Book Award for his latest book, Israel 201, Joel wears multiple hats. A versatile and polished stand-up comedian and speaker with over 20 years of performances, he’s presented his unique brand of clean, uplifting Jewish comedy for more than 1,500 Jewish audiences in North America, Europe, Israel, and Australia.

    Tickets include light hors d’oeuvres and wine tasting provided by Margate Gardens Wine and Spirits.

  • Israel: State of the State with Joel Chasnoff

    Date: Sunday, November 17

    Time: 10:30 am

    Join us for an insightful and engaging discussion with renowned comedian and speaker Joel Chasnoff as he delves into the current state of Israel. Joel grew up in Evanston, IL, where he attended Solomon Schechter Day School and Camp Ramah. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, Joel kissed his mom and diploma goodbye in pursuit of an oversized, olive-green uniform. Serving as a tank gunner in the Golan Heights and South Lebanon, Joel chronicles his wide range of experiences in the IDF in his bestselling comedic memoir The 188th Crybaby Brigade

    On his upcoming spring tour, Yachad, Joel will makeshift meaningful stories, uplifting workshops, and comedic performances into the glue that bonds Jewish communities closer together. During his visit to our community, Joel will repurpose the oys and joys of Jewish life in America into an invitation to laugh together.  Joel currently lives in Ra’anana, Israel, with his Israeli wife and their four kids.

  • Mahjong at Mara’s

    Debra Green author of Mahjong at Mara’s

    Date: Tuesday, November 19

    10:30 am – 3:30 pm

    Join us for an engaging and entertaining afternoon with acclaimed author Debra Green, as she presents her latest book, Mahjong at Mara’s. Set in the heart of a vibrant community, this delightful novel weaves together friendship, culture, and the timeless game of Mahjong.

    Mahjong Brunch

    Enjoy both the presentation from Debra Green and stay for Mahjong Brunch from 12:00 – 3:30 pm after the speaker.

  • The Great Gimmelmans

    Author Lee Matthew Goldberg

    Date: Tuesday, November 19

    Time: 6:30 pm

    Lee Matthew Goldberg presents The Great Gimmelmans.

    Mid­dle child Aaron Gim­mel­man watch­es as his fam­i­ly goes from a mild-man­nered reform Jew­ish clan to hav­ing over a mil­lion dol­lars of stolen mon­ey stuffed in their RV’s cab­i­nets while being pur­sued by the FBI and loan sharks. But it wasn’t always like that. His father Bar­ry made a killing as a stock­bro­ker, his moth­er Judith loved her col­lec­tion of expen­sive hats, his old­er sis­ter Steph was obsessed with pop stars, and lit­tle sis­ter Jen­ny loved her stuffed pos­sum, Sey­mour.

    After los­ing all their mon­ey in the Crash of 1987, the fam­i­ly starts steal­ing from con­ve­nience stores, but when they hit a bank, they real­ize the tal­ent they pos­sess. The mon­ey starts rolling in and brings the fam­i­ly clos­er togeth­er, where­as back at home, no one had any time for bond­ing due to their busy sched­ules. But Barry’s desire for more, more, more will take its toll on the Gim­mel­mans, and Aaron is forced into an impos­si­ble choice: turn against his father, or let his fam­i­ly fall apart.

    From Jer­sey, down to an Ortho­dox Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty in Flori­da where they hide out, and up to Cal­i­for­nia, The Great Gim­mel­mans goes on a mad­cap ride through the 1980s. It is filled with greed and love and the mean­ing of reli­gion and tra­di­tion until the walls of the RV and the feds start clos­ing in.

  • Challah Bake with Tova Rappoport

    Date: Wednesday, November 20

    Time: 11:00 am

    Don’t miss this delightful and hands-on challah baking session hosted by the talented Tova Rappoport. Challah, a traditional Jewish bread, is known for its soft, slightly sweet texture and beautiful braided appearance. This beloved bread is typically enjoyed during Shabbat and Jewish holidays, symbolizing the rich cultural and religious heritage of the Jewish community.

    In this interactive workshop, Tova will guide you through the process of making your own challah from scratch. Learn about the history and significance of this special bread, and gain valuable baking tips and techniques. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a beginner, this session promises to be both educational and enjoyable. By the end, you’ll have fresh, homemade challah to take home and share with family and friends.

  • Paint & Sip with Raheli Ahavah

    Date: Thursday, November 21

    Time: 6:00 pm

    Unleash your creativity and enjoy a relaxing evening with our Paint & Sip event, led by the talented artist Raheli Ahavah. This engaging session combines art and socializing, offering a unique opportunity to explore your artistic side while sipping on your favorite beverage.

    Raheli Ahavah will guide you through the painting process, providing step-by-step instructions to help you create your own masterpiece. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a complete beginner, Raheli’s approachable and encouraging style will ensure a fun and fulfilling experience.

    All painting supplies will be provided, including canvases, paints, brushes, and aprons. Feel free to bring your favorite drink and snacks to enjoy as you paint. This event is perfect for a night out with friends, a date night, or simply a chance to unwind and express yourself through art.

  • Concert by Jeff Hartman

    Date: Saturday, November 23

    Time: 7:00 pm

    Experience an unforgettable evening of music with a live concert by the acclaimed Jeff Hartman. Known for his captivating performances and soulful melodies, Jeff Hartman will take the stage to deliver an exhilarating show that showcases his exceptional talent and artistry. A prolific singer-songwriter and lifelong lover of music, Jeff Hartman has been writing and performing uniquely memorable music for over thirty years. He’s developed a soothing, guitar-driven melodic style that blends elements of smooth jazz and soulful, adult contemporary pop and rock, earning him comparisons to artists like Brian Adams, James Taylor, and Richard Marx.

    With a repertoire that spans a range of genres, from classic hits to contemporary favorites, Jeff’s performance promises to be a highlight of the ABC Festival. Be sure to check out Jeff’s 79 music videos, including his latest rock songs on YouTube: Jeff Hartman Music

    Jeff resides in Margate, NJ with his wife Paula owner of the Hartman Home Team, an award winning, nationally ranked real estate team.

  • Why Did I Just Eat That?

    Author Lisa D. Ellis

    Date: Monday, November 25

    Time: 2:00 pm

    Get off the diet roller coaster and embark on a life-affirming journey towards a positive and sustainable relationship with food and your body. In Why Did I Just Eat That?, author Lisa Ellis offers a fresh perspective on the psychology behind eating habits, helping readers break free from the endless cycle of dieting and guilt. This enlightening discussion will explore how to foster a healthier connection with food, rooted in mindfulness, self-compassion, and balance.

    Don’t miss this transformative experience, designed to inspire lasting change and a more fulfilling relationship with food.

Event Sponsor

The Jeanne and Richard Kaskey Foundation

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Funded in part by the Jewish Community Foundation and the Annual Campaign of Jewish Federation of Atlantic & Cape May Counties.